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About US

Make the impossible possible !

We specialize in business automation & problem solving.   Our 35+ years of history ranges from small projects to large domestic & multinational projects.   Most projects pay for themselves in less than 6 months with a target ROI of around 2:1

We offer a free web meeting/consultation to discuss issues and problems you might like us to help solve.  In CT, we also offer a free on site consultation following our webmeeting.  During this ( typically ) 1 hr visit, we do an "onsite walkthrough" & meet with you & your team 1:1.  We review perceived opportunities, business processes & problems.  

After the site review, we do a follow up on-line concurrence meeting to present an overview of solutions we recommend - including ballpark benefits, payback & estimated costs for your consideration.   Should you favor us with an order, we provide a detailed milestone implementation plan & a final concurrence meeting with a detailed proposal to firm up costs & expectations prior to beginning. 


Take advantage of our "Innovative Solutions"

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